New Year, New You with Mint

Thanks to my friends at Mint for sponsoring today’s blog post.

If your new year resolution involves money or finances, keep reading to see how Mint can help you stay on track in 2017. 

At the end of 2016, I sat down with my husband to talk about money. This is obviously not the most romantic conversation, but it’s a conversation that NEEDS to happen between couples.

My goal for 2017 is to pay off all my credit card debt and only have my student loans left to pay. It sounds quite daunting at first, but with the help from Mint, I am able to strategically plan out my budget.

It may come as a surprise that 75% of New Years resolutions are continued through the entire first week of January – but only 46% make it past six months.

With Mint’s new bill tracking and payment tool, I am able to schedule all of my payments through their website and app. With everything being in one place, I don’t have that feeling of scattered finances.

With the Bill Pay Tool on Mint, you have access to:

  • Smart Reminders: Mint tracks bill amounts and due dates so people can quickly and easily review their bills (and pay!) on the spot.
  • 2-Tap Payments: After an initial payment, Mint learns your payment history so it’s just a quick two taps to pay in the future. Time saver!
  • Fast Payments: Payments through Mint are expedited – often payable in one day

One of the features that has helped with my finances is Mint’s Advice Tool.

It’s sometimes hard to see where your spending habits are harming your budget. With the Advice Tool, you can get personalized insights and recommendations based on your spending behaviors.

My advice to my readers

Finances and money can be super scary topics to talk about openly. If you are like me, it’s hard to admit you have a shopping addiction (new clothes are my weakness). But it’s important to get a handle on your money now. Things like bad credit scores can bite you in the butt later down the road when you want to purchase a new car or even a home.

I suggest scheduling a financial date night with your spouse this weekend. Ordering Chinese food and wine doesn’t hurt. Then open up your computers and start your 2017 budget with Mint. Staying on budget is always easier with a partner.


About Me

Hey there! Welcome to Pink on the Cheek. Here you can find helpful articles on how to grow your blog, monetize your content, and my life in Denver.


  1. 1.20.17

    What a cool program! I am definitely trying to get my finances in check. I love the idea of having a financial date night!

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