Set and Forget Social Media Strategy

I am a huge believer in the fact that online tools and programs should work harder than you. No one actually has the time to push out all of their social media posts on a manual basis. Today I am going to show you a set and forget social media strategy which you can implement for your blog or business.

WordPress Strategy


Editorial Calendar

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If you are a visual person like me, you are going to love this drag and drop editorial calendar for WordPress. It says two seconds to download this plugin and start organizing your calendar.

What I love to do it write down all of my blog post titles in draft form and setting up my calendar for the month. That way when a sponsored post comes in, I can easily move my schedule around to make room.

Download the Editorial Calendar Plugin here.

Jetpack Publicize


This is an added feature to the Jetpack free WordPress plugin.

To turn on publicize, go to Jetpack > Settings > Publicize > then activate

Next, connect the social media sites that you want to publish your blog post to. Once you are done, when you are logged into a blog post draft, you will see this new publicize section on the right-hand side.

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Click on “edit details” and this custom message area will drop down. If you don’t fix this caption, it will propagate with the title of the blog post. I like to make my caption more descriptive, so feel free to write more about the post!

Instagram Strategy




First I am going to show you the paid option to organize your Instagram account and schedule out for the week, month, etc.

Like I said, I am a visual person. So for me to create a cohesive Instagram account, I was constantly going back and forth to my Instagram account to see all of my previously posted pictures.

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With Planoly, I am able to to visually plan my calendar for upcoming pictures. The best part? It’s drag and drop!

In the beginning of the week, I upload all of the pictures I want to post, and then I move them around to see which pictures look best next to each other.

When you schedule your Instagram post, you will receive a push notification on your phone to publish your photo. It’s a simple way to make sure your Instagram looks AMAZING. Prices start at $7/month and more information can be found here.


If you are looking for a free way to schedule your Instagram photos for the week, Hootsuite is your free option. You are not able to visually see your images and drag and drop their order, but you are able to schedule them.

You would use the same process as if you are publishing to your other social media sites. But you need to make sure that you allow push notifications from Hootsuite on your phone. This is how the scheduled photo goes to your blog and you hit publish on Instagram.

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To sign up for Hootsuite, you can find more information here.

I hope these four methods help you with your set and forget social media strategy!

Share this pin on Pinterest for future reference:


If you have a method on how you are organizing an editorial calendar, I would love to hear. Leave a comment below and share!


2 responses

  1. Elisabeth

    LOVE this post. Makes me really keep thinking about moving from Blogger to Word Press. :/
    I was just telling a blog friend last week about Planoly! As of last week they also just made their base features free! You just can’t upload more than 30 pictures total in 30 days. But if you know exactly what you want to put up there you can set it and forget it. I also like Unum.
    Great help and information as always! 🙂

    Elisabeth Wallace |

  2. Thanks for these tips. I’d never heard of Planoly before. I like that both the editorial calendar and Planoly are drag and drop!