Discover Your Professional Growth

Did you know that 78% of people are unhappy at work? Good&Co uses scientific insights to empower job seekers and help companies improve their company culture. 

Now, I am not the type of person who ever really knew what she wanted to do after high school…let alone college.

It’s hard to imagine now, but when I was in high school, there was no such career as Social Media Manager or Community Manager. I am thrilled that my career has gone this way, but the competition is stiff throughout Silicon Valley.

When researching and looking back on my professional growth, I like to look at what I can bring to the table.

With Good&Co, I have found my personality traits through their personality quizzes.

  • Advocate
  • Protector
  • Straight Shooter

These personality traits come together to bring me a Fit Score when matching against a company. 

For example, if you were looking for a new job and had a company in mind, you can search for them on Good&Co.

In a company profile you can find:

  • The top personality traits within the employees
  • Fit Score matching against the company and individual employees
  • Open job positions

Want to join in the fun? All you have to do is download the Good&Co app or sign up online!

Of course, if you are interested in comparing yourself within your company, share this app with your HR department. You can create an online team to find out your strengths and weaknesses – and Good&Co will give you the tools on how to improve!

Comment below if you have ever taken a personality work quiz. I would love to hear your thoughts.