How to Keep Your Dog Busy

This post is sponsored by JW Twist-In Treats but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

There are some days when I absolutely love working from home. I love the flexibility of making my own schedule and getting to be with my dog, Mochi, all day. I know he loves it, too!

But when I need to head down on a task, or on a conference call, I need to keep Mochi occupied.

Enter the Twist-in Treat Dog Toy. This toy combines Mochi’s two loves – toys and treats!

How to keep your dog busy with the Twist-in Treat Dog Toy

This toy makes treat time last longer by making it a game to get the treat out! Plus, if your dog wants an extra challenge, you can keep twisting the treat down.

Omg, look at this happy face. Of course, Mochi is pretty photogenic, but his smile gets so big when he is introduced to a new toy.

I am thrilled that I can get some work done and keep Mochi entertained. By the look on his face, he is just as happy.

If you want to know how to keep your dog busy while you are working, watching a movie, or just want to give a fun toy, check out the Twist-In Treat Dog Toy.

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4 responses

  1. Mariah

    I’m babysitting (dog sitting?) a anxiety ridden pup right now and she definitely needs this!

  2. We had a Shi-tzu puppy and I was worried about keeping her busy, but she turned out to be the laziest puppy of all time. I didn’t mind, she loved to cuddle with my wife on the couch.

  3. Omg such a cute puppy!!

  4. This looks perfect for my high energy and anxious dog!