Blogging on the Go


Today, I am going to share how I use my Lenovo 2-in-1 with Intel to blog on the go.

When I have a busy week at work, I like to schedule my blogging time on Sundays. I always feel better with a schedule and a plan. So on Sundays, I head to my local Starbucks and blog for a couple of hours.

I have been a fan of the Pumpkin Spice Latte…until I heard about the Toasted Graham Latte.


You can disagree (and be wrong), but I think the TGL tastes way better than the PSL. Yes, you must use the abbreviation when talking about Starbucks drinks.

With my Lenovo 2-in-1 laptop, I am able to write and edit photos all in the comfort of my local Starbucks. When I first opened the laptop to get working, I downloaded the free Windows 10 update. This is a HUGE upgrade from Windows 8 with features like Cortana (a virtual assistant) and the capability to switch from laptop to tablet mode. Cortana and I have quickly become besties since she is able to set calendar appointments for me and find files with the click of a button.


I like that I can download Photoshop and lots of design files on my Lenovo. I never felt like the memory was getting bogged down and making the computer laggy. I am constantly worried that when I go to buy a new font package that my computer will slow down.

Added feature of the Lenovo 2-in-1? Flipping that screen into tablet mode. Hey, I sometimes I need a break from blogging and want to catch up on Scandal. With this huge 14in screen, I am able to sit back with my TGL and binge watch on Hulu.

Have you thought about getting a computer exclusive for blogging? Tell me your thoughts in the comments!

#spon: I’m required to disclose a relationship between our site and Intel This could include Intel providing us w/content, product, access or other forms of payment.

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17 responses

  1. I have a Lenovo Yoga Pro that flips backward like this and I LOVE it! I definitely get use out of it, and use the touch screen capabilities even when I’m using it in laptop mode!

    1. It’s funny, when I go back to my Mac I am always touching the screen because I forget. I wonder if they would make a touch screen computer soon!

      1. I do that on my desktop at work!

  2. Hmmm, I never thought of a computer exclusive to blogging. We’re all MAC users in the Watkins household, but I’d use this Lenovo 2-in-1 exclusively for blogging.

    1. We are a mix of Mac and PC in my house. My husband right now is all team Android and I just don’t understand it!

  3. I’m absolutely in love with my Lenovo yoga. The only downside is that it doesn’t have a lot of storage space and with all of my photos I have to have my external hard drive plugged in pretty much all the time. Still the best computer ever though!

    1. OH man, that’s how I felt with my Mac. Every time I needed a design file I would have to plug in my external HD>

  4. Mandi

    I love having a small laptop to blog on the go. Thanks for sharing your story <3 I myself have an Asus and a Dell, but I bought my sister this Lenovo as her graduation present!

    1. I would actually get this a little smaller if I had a choice. The 14 in screen is good for editing, but it sticks out of my purse a bit.

  5. I have been looking for a new laptop and this sounds like a great option!

    1. I like a versatile computer that is light and has a heavy duty processor. This Lennovo does the trick!

  6. I keep hearing good reviews on this but I’m such an apple girl. lol

    1. OH I love my Mac, too. But having a separate computer for blogging doesn’t always allow a big budget for the hard drive space I need.

  7. The 2-in-1 sounds awesome 🙂 Also, the toasted graham sounds better than the PSL… the PSL is always a little too strong for me!

    1. I never thought the PSL was very pumpkiny. I mean it didn’t even have real pumpkin in it until this year!

  8. I’ve never heard of the TGL! I need to try that!!! <3

    1. You should…like today!! I love how creamy and sweet it is!