Whole30 Two Weeks Later

I started Whole30 on April 1st and it’s steadily getting easier each day. Here is how I feel about Whole30 two weeks later.

Whole30 two weeks later. How I am feeling, my favorite meals, and best tips for success.

Even though I stocked my fridge and pantry for my start on April 1st, I still felt like I was in a panic on my first day. I felt overwhelmed that I had an entire month ahead of me. It was quite daunting to imagine myself going 30 days without wine or chocolate.

The next day, when I went to work, I even packed some “panic” food just in case I felt overwhelmed about what to eat if I got hungry. Honestly, getting into the habit of meal planning really helped me.

Favorite Meals on Whole30


  • Hard-boiled eggs with smashed avocado.
  • Avocado with Trader Joes Everything but the Bagel seasoning
  • Eggs with Whole30-compliant bacon and sweet potato hash
  • Chia seed pudding warmed up with fruit


  • Chicken salad made with Primal Kitchen mayo with red bell paper, wrapped in lettuce
  • Grilled chicken with salad


  • Proscuitto
  • Cashews
  • Trader Joe’s Mixed Nut Butter with apples
  • Berries


  • Trader Joe’s chicken sausage
  • Roasted Brussel sprouts
  • Coconut Shrimp
  • Instant Pot spicy pulled chicken

The Good

My body and stomach feel amazing. This can be a little TMI, but I felt like I used to constantly have tummy issues. That is almost non-existent now. Which means something that I was eating before was not agreeing with me. After 30 days, the re-introduction phase starts so I can narrow down what is upsetting my stomach.

I cheated and weighed myself before the 30 days were up. It felt encouraging and actually kept me motivated.

My face already looks better. My skin looks like it’s glowing and I can already see that I am less bloated.

My co-workers are also doing Whole30! This absolutely helps to have someone you know go through this with you.

The Bad

I am OBSESSED with food. It’s really all I think about and talk about. I am sure it’s really annoying to others, but I am constantly thinking about my meal, looking for new recipes to try, and of course – all of the grocery shopping.

I definitely don’t think I am saving money. Organic food is really expensive!

Crankiness. ? I know that I am a little bitter and cranky because I can’t just eat what I want, like chocolate. It’s really hard to go out to dinner or eat with friends when you have to think about the food you are putting in your mouth. Everything has sugar in it!


Since I am over the hump and in a steady meal routine, it’s getting easier. I can see the finish line!

For my last week, I ordered prepared meals from Territory Foods. My co-worker has been ordering these meals and says it really helps because she doesn’t need to think about planning. Plus, she said the meals taste good! I will share my opinion on these next week on my Instagram stories.

If you have tried Whole30, please let me know how you felt afterward. Plus any of your favorite meals or snacks!



3 responses

  1. It can definitely be challenging, but it does get easier!

  2. This is encouraging and it is always good when our tummies don’t revolt at what we consume. The gains you are enjoying are surely worth it.

  3. I am so so so proud of you! Making the commitment is SOOOO hard! I remember my first round I would just open the fridge and stare at everything I couldn’t have.
    I ended up making a list on the fridge of everything I WANTED to eat after Whole 30 and told myself if I finished and didn’t cheat I could go all out and have everything.
    I did it. Completed all 30 days and then went to have everything on the list.
    Threw it all up after & regretted it. Your body changes so much (for the good!) but factor in some cheats AFTER this. You can do it girl!!!